treasured / time well spent

there are so many things to do before I start grad school. jewelry to make, jewelry to list in my Etsy shop, paperwork to sort through, plants to water...

what mattered most to me was going to visit my sister and niece in Medford, OR, even if it meant that everything else on my to do list aged a bit more.

it's a schlep. the best way to get there from San Francisco is to drive. 6 hours. each way. well worth it to see my sister and the most adorable little girl. We drove up and met Little Mommy who had driven up the day before.

yesterday I had a chance to catch up on some jewelry hammering -- I've been using Little Mommy's house for this loud activity now that we're living in a quieter building. while I was there making tons of noise I caught a glimpse of the piles of treasures she has slated for her Etsy shops 1 & 2