How many pairs of shoes had I discarded because they were tattered and worn? It took living with someone who appreciates the art of stretching the lifespan of every item before I figured out how my shoes can grow old with me. Leather boots dry and lacking luster? condition them! left boot: newly conditioned/shined. right boot: thirsty!looking for some lovely boots for Fall? check out Etsy's huge selection of vintage boots from shops all over the world. you'll save money, you'll save resources from going into newly manufactured boots, and you'll have a fashion statement many others won't.check out the selection:vintage boots for style, eco friendly, and fun
Forget your grandmother's post-depression hoarding tendencies -- this recession is about living smaller, departing from the idea that more/bigger is better. What if everything in your home had a place? What if all of your possessions were carefully chosen treasures rather than impulse buys?
I am: -collector of treasures
-purger of excess
-lover of tiny square photostreasures cycle through our tiny studio apartment on an almost one-for-one exchange rate. except, of course for the treasures I can't pass up but can't justify keeping -- those treasures find a home with friends, family, and strangers via my itsy Etsy shop ( curiosity's sake I though it would be a fun experiment to document the treasures we bring into our home and the treasures we send back into the treasurecycle...