Needles and Pens / window shopper

hey, that's me. 

I'm honored to have handmade treasures for sale at N&P. I'm super honored that they chose my jewelry for their website.

check 'em out here or visit them in real life at 3253 16th Street in SF (between Dolores St and Guerrero St)

belt purse strap / diy

I have a habit of buying beautiful, old tooled leather purses that hold up beautifully with time but their straps deteriorate rather quickly. I went searching on the internet for a strap replacement I'd feel good about investing in and I didn't see anything I was crazy about.

here are some simple steps to make a purse/camera strap from an old leather belt. it took us about 15 minutes to make three straps. not bad.

what you'll need: (I've linked to supplies on Etsy but I purchased all of my supplies from my local fabric store. I felt good about shopping locally and I was able to buy in smaller quantities)

1. D-rings like these (make sure the flat side it wide enough to fit the width of your leather belt) or better yet something like this. we didn't think about what color D-rings to use but there are so many choices and if the belt you're using already has metal hardware you may want to choose accordingly.
2. an old leather belt (we removed the metal portion of the belt closure/buckle with a pair of pliers)
3. hammer
4. rivet kit like this (it comes with a tiny anvil (small round metal circle in upper right hand corner), a rivet setting tool (metal rod in upper right hand corner), rivet caps and pins, and a set of instructions. we used my giant anvil instead. just a note: search for 'rivets' under 'supplies' on etsy and you'll find super fancy rivets with spikes, rhinestones, etc.
5. leather punch (lower left) like this one  

step 1: 
mark with a sharpie where you'd like to create a hole for the rivet.  you'll need to make two marks on each end of the belt. you'll want to be able to fold the leather over onto itself (making a loop) and fit the rivet through a hole that goes through two layers of belt (this is shown in step 3)

step 2: (not shown) punch holes with your leather punch -- make sure that the hole you punch is the same diameter as the rivet you'll be fitting into the hole. you want it to fit snugly. might be useful to have a screwdriver nearby so you can adjust the leather hole punch to the appropriate size

step 3: fit the rivet pin (bottom side of the rivet) through the holes with the D-ring already placed inside of the leather loop

step 4: place the rivet cap (top portion of rivet) onto the rivet pin

step 5:
hammer rivet cap onto rivet pin (the photo shown is without using the rivet setting tool. you should really use the rivet setting tool because it will prevent the rivet cap from dimpling under the pressure of the hammer head.) place the rivet setting tool on top of the rivet cap and hammer the end of the rivet setting tool. don't worry, the tiny instructions in your rivet kit will walk you through this

step 6: ta-da! well, almost ta-da. I used D-rings without carabiners so I'll have to use something like this to link the D-rings on my strap to the D-rings on my purse. I've shown my favorite of the three straps we made in 15 minutes. there was a learning curve. this was the last one we made and the rivets were centered nicely, we used the rivet setting tool to prevent dimpling of the metal, and I'm excited to have a beaded purse strap.


1 new-to-me painting
2 jewelry making helper
3 mural on Polk St
4 mural off of Polk St
5 Sutro Tower peaking out of the fog

vintage haul / Alamo Square Flea Market

every year little mommy and I make a pilgrimage to Alamo Square for the annual flea market. we seek out a man we've become flea market friendly with. he buys jewelry lots on the Internet from which he carefully selects pairs of cuff links that he sells in stores on Haight St. We rid him of a large portion of the jewelry he doesn't have a home for. here are some of the goodies I selected.

favorites include: plastic link eyeglass chain (far left), Egyptian cartouche pendant (lower right), aromatic ammonia tin

26 / globe trekking

I'm 26 now. not quite sure how that happened so fast. or as my mom put it "halfway to 52."

many vintage treasures came my way and I love them all. my sweet Joseph bought me the most amazing flashlight for my vintage treasure hunting in dark corners of estate sales. I'm feeling incredibly spoiled.

a globe lamp just like this one was welcomed into our tiny home

globes seem to be everywhere I look. a sign of things to come in this 26th year?

vintage haul / Bernal Heights Neighborhood garage sale

vintage jewels: (clockwise from top left)

mesh brass necklace or wraparound bracelet
pterodactyl pin by JJ designs
Baer SF geometric earrings
copper butterfly pendant with enamel details
Afghani glass pendant

vintage haul / 1538 44th Ave., SF, CA

vintage green tackle boxes -- maybe I'll fill them with vintage treasures.


hide and seek pigeon
cat in a window
keep laughing

vintage haul / 2454 17th Ave, SF, CA

went to this estate sale two days in a row, saturday and sunday. sadly little mommy and I missed the first day, friday, but clearly we didn't leave empty handed

1. saturday // vintage solid wood drying rack (collapsible) like this one. vintage hand-embroidered tea towels and pillow cases like this and these and this
2. saturday // vintage postcard lot. I include one with almost every Etsy sale I pack/send
3. sunday // went back and bought beautiful, mismatched embroidered pillow cases. these should last me a lifetime
4. saturday // Niagra Falls comb and mirror souvenir in leather pouch similar to this
5. saturday and sunday // assorted vintage jewels that will eventually make their way into my Etsy shop